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神经生物学前沿学术报告 Yiwen Zheng

报告题目:   From ringing ears to ringing brains

:      Yiwen Zheng,  Associate Professor

                  University of Otago, New Zealand

    间:  20191112日(周二)下午:15:30-17:00

    点:   西区生物楼531会议室




Associate Professor Yiwen Zheng graduated from Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University, formerly the independent Shanghai Medical University ,in 1984 and worked in the Institute of Clinical Pharmacology at Anhui Medical University for 8 years. She completed a PhD in Neuropharmacology in the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology at the University of Otago in 1998.She is currently a Co-Director of the Vestibular and Auditory Research group at the University of Otago, a Principal Investigator of the Brain Research New Zealand and a member of the management committee of the New Zealand Eisdell Moore Centre for Research in Hearing and Balance Disorders. Her research areas are 1) understanding the underlying mechanisms of tinnitus and developing effective treatment for tinnitus and 2) understanding the contribution of vestibular information to higher cognitive function. She Published 88 research papers, 4 book chapters and has been an invited speaker at various international and national conferences.  She is a recipient of a number of prestigious Fellowship awards and on the Editorial Board of Frontiers in Neuro-Otology and PLOS One.




神经生物学前沿学术报告 Yiwen Zheng


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